About the Business
I am a native Spanish speaker and for 20 years I have had a love affair with languages. I have a degree in education and English and a Master’s degree in teaching English to speakers of other languages. My overriding educational interest is to inspire students in the way that I myself was inspired and to use research and develop innovative methods of doing so.
I have been told that my teaching style brings a breath of fresh air and creates a friendly atmosphere and I know that this assists in encouraging students to take risks knowing that they will learn from their mistakes and that it will be fun doing so. By working at your institution, I would hope use my own passion to encourage, support and motivate students to learn, understand and maximise their abilities in the pursuance of their chosen specialism.
I am utterly convinced that my enthusiasm is infectious and that my extra-ordinary level of energy combine to create a learning environment that is both motivating and enjoyable. I am always conscious of the needs of the students, their different starting points and their different abilities, and so I guide and encourage them to study independently, enabling each individual to develop at their own pace.
The subject of my Masters’ dissertation was the use of music and technology in teaching and I believe my use of these vitally important elements of modern life makes it easier for students to learn, provides key links to students’ experiences and encourages them to explore and enjoy different ways of learning. I would also hope that my research and experience would allow me to offer sound and relevant input and support to teaching colleagues whose expertise lies in other fields.
Location & Hours

81 Cornwall Avenue