About the Business

The initial product range has been in the process of development since May 2009. Having identified a need for resources to support Chinese teachers and despite having visited the major language exhibitions in Europe and the USA we realised that resources made in China had no awareness of Western teaching methods, and those from the USA were difficult to use as they have many more native Chinese teachers.

At this point we met an author, a qualified primary teacher from Wales, who had spent a lot of her working life in China and who had a very refreshing approach to taking the 'awe' out of learning Chinese and keeping it simple.

A twin track approach was then adopted. Working and talking with teachers to refine the product so it met their needs and research into the market and how to sell to it as the UK alone could not support such a venture and its application was world-wide.

Developing links with China was regarded as essential as teaching a foreign language cannot be done in isolation from its culture. Our proposals to Hanban were well received and we started on the creation of prototype resources, the refinement of the product and bringing a team together with the appropriate skills and expertise was undertaken. We intended to be different to other publishers, not only in the product but in how it was created, used and sold.

A real bonus during this phase was the development of real friendships with our contacts and project managers in China and their overwhelming hospitality. Banquets and tea have been consumed in equal proportions.

Business Services

FREE Chinese Soundbooth YCT exams

FREE Chinese Soundbooth YCT exams

Interactive exams giving students practice in listening and answering questions in Chinese. The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is designed for non-native speakers below the age of 15, i.e. for primary and secondary school pupils who learn Chinese as a second language; it is aimed at boosting confidence and obtaining a sense of pride in learning the language.

Level 1: for younger or beginner learners who have mastered a vocabulary of about 80 characters. Students can understand and use very basic Chinese words and sentences, and be able tocontinue to study Chinese.

There are three sets of sample exams which have been created for Chinese Soundbooth so learners can listen to the original audio and can then answer each question. Their work is saved and can be assessed by a teacher. The lessons and Chinese Soundbooth can be used within a school or college or can be given to students so they can practise at home so involving parents.

Students select the question. They follow the instructions and, in the case of listening exams listen to the audio, and then make their selection. They can repeat this as many times as they wish to improve their understanding.
Location & Hours

Spinney, Holford

Bridgwater, TA5 1RZ
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